- #29572 (no title)
- ¡No al greenwashing del gas fósil!
- ¿Está España preparada para tener un transporte urbano de mercancías cero emisiones?
- „Fit für 55“-Paket – Die Brücke zwischen Klima- und Wirtschaftspolitik?
- (Re)Fuelling Flight: A vision of the sustainable aviation fuels of the future 12/05/2021
- (Senior) Referent*in zum Thema Luftverkehr
- About us
- Accelerating the decarbonisation of the shipping sector: How the Fit for 55 Package can help
- Accessibility statement
- Acting now for the zero-emission planes and ships of tomorrow
- Alert sign up
- Are carmakers on track to meet EU’s 2020 car CO2 target?
- Auto
- Aviation & Covid: towards a green recovery?
- Aviation Director
- Aviation intern
- Aviation Policy manager (Brussels)
- Aviation team intern
- Battery & supply chains analyst
- Brussels office
- Bulletin sign up
- Calling all sectors! How to cut aviation’s climate impact
- Campaign Manager
- Changing laws
- Clean Mobility Manager Transport & Environment Rome, Italy
- Clean trucks Director
- Climate data analyst
- Closing the real world fuel consumption gap with Fuel Consumption Meters
- Coalition building
- Communications impact 2021 TEST
- Contact us
- Corporate Travel Campaigner
- Data analist intern
- DATA ANALYST, Clean Cities Campaign
- DE Aviation manager
- Debate parlamentario sobre Ley de Movilidad Sostenible
- Diálogo abierto sobre la ley de movilidad sostenible
- Digital communications Officer, Clean Cities Campaign
- Director Germany
- Director, UK
- Direktor*in Transport & Environment Deutschland
- Does Spain really want to decarbonise shipping?
- Economist
- Electric Fleets National Manager in France
- Electric Fleets National Manager in Germany
- Emisiones de CO2
- Energy intern
- Ensuring strong human rights and environmental due diligence for batteries
- Ethical Guidelines
- EU cars CO2 law: carmakers’ performance so far and way forward
- EU-funded studies
- Events sign up
- Fiscalidad y Financiación del Transporte
- Fossil gas is not green!
- Fossiles Gas ist nicht nachhaltig
- France coordinator, Clean cities campaign
- French NO
- French office
- German office
- Get Involved
- Getting zero-emission trucks on the road
- Government advisory bodies
- Green shipping – Nordic actions to foster European and global zero emission
- Greener and cheaper, electric vans are already the best choice for all users
- High-level summit on non-CO2 effects of aviation
- Homepage
- How big is the emission problem of PHEVs? New T&E report launch
- How can zero-emission mobility become the motor of European green recovery?
- How e-fuels can clean up European shipping
- How to decarbonise international shipping and aviation
- How to decarbonise shipping by 2050?
- How to tackle toxic pollution from cars and trucks with Euro 7 standards
- HR and office assistant
- Hydrogen: Green or greenwashing?
- Impact of soy biofuels on local communities in Brazil
- International institutions
- Italy Campaigner, Clean Cities Campaign (0,6 FTE)
- Italy office
- Jet fuel quality: Tackling non-CO2 effects and air pollution
- Join our campaigns
- Kann der Straßengüterverkehr elektrisch?
- Klimaschutz im Luftverkehr: Mit weniger Emissionen auch Post-Corona?
- Latest
- Leiter*in E-Mobilität
- Leiter*in Energie
- Les sociétés de leasing – des géants méconnus du monde de l’automobile
- Media and Communications Officer (France)
- Media and communications officer (Germany)
- Media and Communications Officer (UK)
- Membership and Network coordinator
- Mobilizing and Implementing Ocean-Based Climate Mitigation Solutions
- Movilidad activa y transporte público
- New mandatory transparency measures a ‘gamechanger’ for European green finance
- No al greenwashing del gas fossile!
- Non au greenwashing du gaz fossile !
- Nothing short of a revolution: Green Finance and the EU taxonomy
- Official COP 27 side event – Regional Policy Approaches to Decarbonize Shipping & Freight
- Open call: artistic collaboration on air travel
- Open call: artistic collaboration on biofuels
- Our partnerships
- Page builder example
- Paving the way for all-electric company fleets
- Payroll, Compensation & Benefits Manager
- Petition test
- Petition Test PoliCAT
- Poland coordinator, Clean cities campaign
- Poland office
- Policy and Data Analyst – Clean Cities Campaign
- Policy Manager:in / Referent:in Luftverkehr
- Press centre
- Previous work
- Priorities
- Privacy policy
- Raw materials policy officer
- Referent:in / Manager:in E-Mobilität (m/w/d)
- Referent*in Kommunikation (m/w/d)
- Referent*in Presse und Kommunikation (m/w/d)
- Remining for the energy transition
- Responsable politiques publiques aviation France
- Responsible E-mobilité
- ROAD TO ZERO: Future of automotive industry – webinar
- Scientific bodies / consultancies
- Scientific publications
- Shipping campaign officer/manager – Biofuels and LNG
- Shipping Policy Officer – “Sustainable Fuels”
- Shipping team intern
- Sitemap
- Spain office
- Staff & Board members 2022
- State of the aviation ETS
- Straßenverkehr im EU-Emissionshandel: Fluch oder Segen?
- Supporters
- Sustainable Energy and Shipping Policy Officer / Manager
- Sustainable Energy officer/manager, with a focus on maritime transport – France
- Sustainable Shipping Analyst
- Synthetic petrol and diesel in cars: how clean are they really?
- T&E Annual Report 2021
- T&E Annual Report 2022
- T&E Deutschland
- T&E España
- T&E France
- T&E Italia
- T&E Italia – Attività di advocacy
- T&E Italia – Notizie e opinioni
- T&E Polska
- T&E United Kingdom
- Tekja testing
- Tendering procedure
- Thank you for subscribing
- Thank you for subscribing
- The role of direct air capture in making aviation sustainable
- Top 100 des flottes professionnelles de France
- Transport campaigner
- Transport emissions: modelling and analysis
- Transport Energy and Data Analyst
- Trends and Analysis team intern
- True Cost of Uber
- UK campaigner, Clean Cities Campaign
- UK office
- UK Sustainable Shipping Policy Officer / Manager
- US agencies
- Vans: why is going electric taking so long? – webinar
- Vehicles team intern
- Was ist der wahre Klimaeffekt des deutschen Luft- und Seeverkehrs?
- Web and Digital Communications Manager
- WEBINAR: From boom to brake: is the e-mobility transition stalling?
- Where are we at with zero-emission trucks in Europe?
- Zero Emission Campaigner
- Staff and board
- Clean cities
Website sitemap