Europe’s leading clean transport campaign group
Transport & Environment’s (T&E) vision is a zero-emission mobility system that is affordable and has minimal impacts on our health, climate and environment.
Since we were created 30 years ago, T&E has shaped some of Europe’s most important environmental laws. We got the EU to set the world’s most ambitious CO2 standards for cars and trucks but also helped uncover the dieselgate scandal; we campaigned successfully to end palm oil diesel; secured a global ban on dirty shipping fuels and the creation of the world’s biggest carbon market for aviation – just to name a few.
Credibility is our key asset. We are a non-profit organisation and politically independent. We combine the power of robust, science-based evidence and a deep understanding of transport with memorable communications and impactful advocacy.
Our staff in Brussels, Rome, Madrid, Berlin, Warsaw and London collaborate with our 63 national member and supporter organisations in 24 countries across Europe. All together our members and supporters represent more than 3.5 million people.
We coordinate the International Coalition for Sustainable Aviation (ICSA), which has observer status at the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and are members of the Clean Shipping Coalition (CSC), which has observer status at the International Maritime Organisation (IMO).
We hold a seat on the board of ECOS, and are members of the Green 10 group of European environmental NGOs, Agora Verkehrswende, the Platform for Electromobility, the Coalition for Energy Savings, the Renewable Grids Initiative and the Electrification Alliance.