2021 was a year of great expectation. It was a year of lofty climate goals in Europe. From the EU’s landmark climate Fit for 55 package to Germany’s first green government and to the COP Summit in Glasgow, European policymakers were more ambitious than ever before.
For T&E, July’s Fit for 55 was the crowning moment of years of campaigning. We got a phase-out of fossil fuel cars by 2035; and, for the first time, the EU will include shipping in its carbon market and a green jet fuel mandate will be introduced.
From our growing national offices, T&E continues to influence national capitals across Europe and this year also saw the T&E-backed Clean Cities Campaign gather momentum. T&E’s report exposing the emissions of private jet setters was picked up by media across the world.
Yet, only policies and laws guarantee results. We still have work to do. There is a risk that the EU’s climate package can be undermined by fossil fuel interests. And despite taking a leading role in exposing the EU’s scandalous labelling of gas investments as ‘green’, the Commission still seems hellbent on bone-headed policies (see its continued support for biofuels).
2021 was a landmark year for Europe and a landmark year for T&E. Our reach is growing and there is ever more responsibility on the organisation to push policy makers towards a path to zero. A green transport future is possible. 2022 will be about turning a year of great expectation into reality.
For T&E July’s Fit for 55 package was the crowning moment of years of campaigning