Transport & Environment is an independent, non-partisan, non-profit organisation focused on decarbonising transport in Europe by 2050. We receive funding from a diverse range of donors, including foundations, government agencies, multilateral institutions, and our own membership of 51 independent environmental organisations across Europe. It is our policy to only accept funding that does not impair our independence to pursue our mission or endanger our integrity and reputation.
For more information, please read our funding acceptance policy.
T&E supports transparency and democracy in decision-making on all levels of society. For more information, see the Green 10 position paper on lobbying in the EU.
T&E acknowledges support from the following institutions in 2022:
> € 1,000,000
- Climate Imperative Foundation
- European Climate Foundation
- Schwab Charitable Fund
€ 500,000 < € 1,000,000
- European Commission*
- Quadrature Climate Foundation
- The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)
€ 250,000 < € 500,000
- Breakthrough Energy
- ClimateWorks Foundation
- Hewlett Foundation
- KR Foundation
- National Philantropic Trust
- Oak Foundation
- Rockefeller Brothers Fund
€ 100,000 < € 250,000
- Firmenich
- German Ministry for Environment
- Packard Foundation
- Stiftung Mercator
- The New Venture Fund
- The Sunrise Project Australia
€ 25,000 < € 100,000
- FIA Foundation
- Öko-Institut
- Seas at Risk
- Swiss Philanthropy Foundation
<€ 25,000
- T&E members and support fees
- Stichting BirdLife Europe
- Purpose
* Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or CINEA. Neither the European Union nor CINEA can be held responsible for them.
For more information, please take a look at our annual reports.
European Union Transparency Register
You can find out more details about who we are, and who funds our work in our submission to the EU Transparency Register. Our registration number is 58744833263-19.