Consultation responseConsultation response: hydrogen blending for GB gas distribution networksPlanesShipsEnergyOctober 30, 2023
Press releaseE-fuels offer clean future for shipping and aviation, green groups tell EUPlanesShipsMay 12, 2021
Press releaseUK closes loophole on plane and ship emissions with carbon budgetPlanesShipsApril 20, 2021
LetterUK should include international aviation and shipping emissions in its net zero legislation, say NGOsPlanesShipsFebruary 25, 2021
OpinionCalifornia-sur-Manche or Singapore-on-Thames?PlanesShipsCitiesCarsRoad freightDecember 21, 2020
Press releaseEU transport plan a big step but risks rerun of biofuels fiascoShipsEnergyPlanesDecember 9, 2020