Carlo Tritto – Transport & Environment Campaigning for cleaner transport in Europe Thu, 03 Feb 2022 10:53:10 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The unthinkable is now achievable in Italy Fri, 17 Dec 2021 10:03:34 +0000 “Electric vehicles are a menace to the whole existence of our planet.” These were the words of FCA executive Sergio Marchionne back in 2017, who claimed that electric vehicles (EV) were worse for the planet than petrol and diesel cars. The consensus among leading Italian voices at the time was staunchly anti-EV. Set-up in that same year, T&E Italy got to work at setting the record straight.


I camion a gas? “Più inquinanti e cancerogeni anche di quelli diesel” Mon, 27 Sep 2021 00:01:01 +0000 I camion alimentati a gas naturale ( liquified natural gas o LNG) sono incompatibili con le esigenze imposte dalla transizione ecologica a fronte di una capacità inquinante ben superiore a quella dichiarata dai costruttori. È la conclusione che emerge dai test indipendenti sui livelli di emissioni dell’Università Tecnica di Graz in Austria, che hanno comparato quelle emesse da camion a gas e di...

