Stef Cornelis – Transport & Environment Campaigning for cleaner transport in Europe Tue, 17 Oct 2023 08:33:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The leasing sector is looking for a green leader Mon, 16 Oct 2023 22:01:45 +0000 The holy grail of Transport & Environment – as its name suggests – is to decarbonise transport as soon as we can. Rapid electrification is one of the – if not the most – effective way to achieve this. But in order to get there, we believe that everyone in the automotive sector has to play their part. Leasing firms play a huge role in accomplishing this mission: with a fleet of millions of cars...


Prognos and T&E plot clear path to road decarbonisation Thu, 28 Oct 2021 13:35:33 +0000 In the first analysis of its kind, Prognos, commissioned by Transport & Environment Deutschland, shows the only way to decarbonise road transport fairly, and on time to meet Germany’s ambitious 2030 climate target, is to deploy a progressive policy mix, that ensures the majority of new cars are electric by 2025, and that reduces demand for petrol and diesel cars. This is preferable...


The return of the Climate Chancellor? Sat, 19 Dec 2020 17:44:19 +0000 The first major step was for Germany to acknowledge that stimulus, not austerity, was the right answer to the Covid-19 induced economic crisis. In a move that surprised even the most seasoned observers, Merkel helped seal a truly historic EU budget deal. The second question was how to spend the money. Would Germany try to preserve its successful existing model, or make a bold move towards a...


Potenziell neuer Emissionsskandal: Plug-In-Hybride nachweislich umweltschädlicher als behauptet Mon, 23 Nov 2020 06:30:00 +0000 Der Verkauf von Plug-in-Hybrid-Fahrzeugen (PHEV) nimmt in Europa explosionsartig zu. Die Tests mit den neuesten Modellen bestätigen jedoch, dass sie das Klima weitaus stärker belasten, als die Automobilhersteller behaupten, selbst bei Fahrtantritt mit voller Batterie. Alle drei der 2020 beliebtesten Plug-In-Hybride emittierten bei den Tests unter realen Nutzungsbedingungen mehr CO2 als in der...


Kaufprämien müssen saubere Lkw der Zukunft statt Kraftstoffe der Vergangenheit fördern Tue, 07 Jul 2020 14:10:18 +0000 Die Erholung der Automobilbranche und die Frage, welche Technologien durch öffentliche Mittel gefördert werden sollten, hat bereits zu regen Debatten in Berlin, Paris und Madrid geführt, während in Rom derzeit noch diskutiert wird. Aber auch die Lkw-Branche ist von der Pandemie stark betroffen. In den ersten fünf Monaten gingen die Zulassungszahlen im Vergleich zum Vorjahr um 37 % zurück.


Scrappage schemes should support the clean trucks of the future, not the fuels of the past Mon, 06 Jul 2020 13:15:32 +0000 Receive them directly in your inbox. Delivered once a week. The recovery of the cars sector, and what technologies should be supported with public money, has already led to much debate in Berlin, Paris and Madrid, and ongoing in Rome. But the trucking sector is also badly hit by this pandemic. In the first five months, registration numbers fell by 37% compared to the year before.


Berlin and Brussels should realise that e-fuels for trucks are a bad, expensive bet Sun, 17 Nov 2019 17:07:42 +0000 After years of heel dragging and fighting truck fuel efficiency standards, it looks like the world’s biggest truckmaker Daimler might be stepping up its game. Last month they announced that by 2039 all their new trucks and buses will be CO2 neutral. According to Daimler this can only be achieved with battery electric and hydrogen technologies. This announcement seems to be a major step for an industry that not so long ago mainly saw biofuels and gas vehicles as clean alternatives. 

Receive them directly in your inbox. Delivered once a week. But maybe the most interesting scoop was the head of Daimler Trucks and Buses, Martin Daum, telling Tagesspiegel that he doesn’t see synthetic fuels (known as e-fuels) as a viable alternative. With this statement it now seems that, like Volkswagen, Daimler is now on a collision course with the German autolobby. The country’s automakers...


EU agrees first-ever CO2 targets for trucks, delivering a 30% cut in fuel burnt and kick-starting zero-emission vehicles Thu, 18 Apr 2019 12:39:40 +0000 E welcomes the vote as the new law will reduce climate emissions, make air in cities cleaner and slash fuel bills for businesses. The new European regulation includes an interim target of a 15% cut in CO2 emissions from new heavy-goods vehicles sold in 2025 compared to 2019 levels. However, the Brussels-based group warns that the new targets are far from enough to meet the Paris climate goals.


Ministers’ first step towards truck CO2 targets doesn’t go far enough Thu, 20 Dec 2018 17:23:48 +0000 A majority of countries, including key truck manufacturing nations such us France, Sweden and the Netherlands, called for more ambition and incentives for zero and low-emission trucks but accepted this compromise to avoid a blocking minority led by Germany. Ministers also supported a supercredit mechanism – whereby sales of zero-emission trucks are counted double towards meeting the CO2 target...

