Lucien Mathieu – Transport & Environment Campaigning for cleaner transport in Europe Thu, 14 Dec 2023 17:35:22 +0000 en-US hourly 1 France’s eco-bonus shows how we can promote cleaner made-in-Europe EVs Thu, 14 Dec 2023 17:18:03 +0000 In September, France announced new green eligibility rules for awarding electric vehicle subsidies – a first in environmental policymaking. Starting in 2024, the government incentive of €5,000-€7,000 will only be awarded to electric cars with a production carbon footprint below 14.75 tonnes of CO2. [1] This initiative has many advantages and could be replicated by other European countries. Italy...


A lethal American import is coming to Europe Thu, 30 Nov 2023 14:24:34 +0000 In the next months, the European Commission expert group on motor vehicles is expected to convene to discuss and vote on a regulatory gap that threatens the safety of our roads and our environment. This is a tale of unchecked dangers, environmental recklessness, and a call to close the dire loophole before it inflicts more harm. On October 12, an alliance of safety, consumer and green groups sent...


Pour une voiture électrique populaire Mon, 28 Nov 2022 09:01:23 +0000 Les voitures électriques sont aujourd’hui plus chères à l’achat que les voitures thermiques, malgré un coût d’utilisation nettement inférieur. La massification de la production est le meilleur moyen de baisser les coûts et amènera les prix des modèles électriques au même niveau que celui des thermiques d’ici 2027. D’ici là, il est urgent de rendre les véhicules électriques abordables pour tous...


La voiture électrique est-elle pénalisée par la hausse des prix de l’électricité ? Wed, 16 Nov 2022 10:35:51 +0000 Même si une voiture électrique coûte souvent plus cher à l’achat qu’une voiture essence ou diesel, son coût d’utilisation est en revanche bien inférieur à ces dernières. Ce fait irréfutable a été bousculé par la crise de l’énergie et aujourd’hui 61% des Français pensent que le plein d’une voiture électrique coûte le même prix qu’un plein d’essence. A tort. En menaçant de fermer les robinets de gaz...


The year we joined manufacturers to make zero-emission trucks a reality Wed, 15 Dec 2021 14:10:21 +0000 For those following the truck industry, 2021 was quite a turning point. At the start of 2021, few imagined that electric trucks could play a dominant role in logistics. The European Commission had just presented its transport strategy which foresaw a mere 1% of zero-emission trucks on our roads in 2030. On the other hand, it forecasted 8%-9% fossil gas burning trucks, which have been shown to be a...


EU truck targets too weak to incentivise transition to zero-emission vehicles Sun, 10 Oct 2021 13:49:53 +0000 Improvements in aerodynamics and fuel efficiency mean trucks can already achieve the EU’s 2025 CO2 reduction target while producing just a few zero-emission vehicles. If all of Europe’s trucks performed as well as the most efficient models on the market, it would reduce average truck CO2 emissions by 6% today. But efficiency gains alone will not get Europe’s trucking sector to net-zero and...


E-trucks: European automakers’ third and final chance to get electrification right Mon, 25 Feb 2019 10:08:56 +0000 On Monday, EU lawmakers may finally reach a deal on truck CO2 emission standards and on the first ever sales targets for zero and low-emission trucks. Electric trucks will benefit hauliers and society as a whole, but an ambitious sales benchmark will be needed to make sure truckmakers actively sell affordable and reliable models.

Receive them directly in your inbox. Delivered once a week. E-trucks are the third chapter of vehicle electrification – European automakers lagged far behind in the first two: electric cars and e-buses. The good news is that market monitoring shows production of new e-trucks is picking up momentum and the position of global leader remains up for grabs. If they act quickly and collectively...

