Jo Dardenne – Transport & Environment Campaigning for cleaner transport in Europe Thu, 16 Feb 2023 15:01:53 +0000 en-US hourly 1 EU taxonomy for aviation: Will Von der Leyen rubber stamp the biggest act of aviation greenwashing in decades? Mon, 20 Feb 2023 09:00:33 +0000 If a green fund invested in an efficient coal plant and boasted to investors that it was green, they would not be fooled. So why is European Commission President, Ursula Von der Leyen, falling for it when the same trick is applied to planes? The aviation industry is lobbying hard to ensure it gets the decision it wants on green criteria for aviation in the EU taxonomy. If they succeed it will be a...


Aviation’s ivory tower may be starting to fall Fri, 16 Dec 2022 17:41:53 +0000 It’s a sad fact. The aviation sector has been untouchable for years. Any attempt to regulate its climate impact has ended as quickly as it began. A few examples illustrate the point. Airlines don’t pay any tax for their fuel. Unlike truckers and motorists, airlines have never paid a single penny of duty on the fuel they uplift at airports. Some brave lawmakers are attempting to change this via the...


Key vote for the future of clean aviation Wed, 11 May 2022 07:53:07 +0000 The EU ETS is a cap and trade system under which airlines (as well as industry and energy sectors) need to buy allowances to pay for their CO2 emissions. Unlike other sectors, aviation emissions have continued to grow significantly, despite being included in the EU’s carbon market since 2012. This is partly due to the fact that airlines continue to receive millions in free allowances. In July 2021...


Why airline net zero commitments aren’t green at all Thu, 28 Oct 2021 17:09:54 +0000 With increasing political and public pressure to address climate change, the aviation industry has started to announce net zero emissions targets for 2050. The sector rightly acknowledges that the aviation industry needs to end its reliance on polluting jet fuel, but its actions are yet to match its words. New targets, same tactics Back in 2010 IATA, a trade association of the world’s airlines...


New tax tool calculates impact of ending aviation’s ‘nonsense’ exemption Thu, 23 Jul 2020 00:51:21 +0000 Although just about every form of mechanised transport has a tax on fuel, aviation has never had to pay a single cent despite burning increasing amounts of fossil-fuel kerosene. For years, airlines claimed that an agreement regulating international aviation, the Chicago Convention of 1944, prevented countries from imposing fuel taxes. But T&E showed this was not true back in 1995.

