Webinar: What do we know about used BEVs?
How do used electric cars perform and what is their value?
The transition to electromobility is now well underway in Europe with battery electric vehicles (BEVs) reaching 14% of new car registrations and growing each year. The latest developments in the market, from model launches, to price changes, and top sales are intensely studied and reported on. Less is known about BEVs in the used car market which, by definition, lag behind the new car market.
This is changing. BEVs are now entering the used car market in large volumes and are the subject of recent research. Research is also being conducted on the performance of used BEVs, their cross-border flows, and the characteristics of buyers.
This research raises important questions about the broader transition to electromobility, questions about who is participating in the transition, what barriers remain, and what policy support is required from businesses and governments. The objective of this webinar is to identify these questions, review the latest research findings, and consider the positions and policy asks of different stakeholders in the transition.
Programme and presentations
Session 1: The trends
- What is the volume of used BEVs? – Julian De Groot (Dataforce). Presentation.
- What is the value of used BEVs? – Christof Engelskirchen (Autovista). Presentation.
- What is the performance of used BEVs? – Tamas Halbrucker (Geotab). Presentation.
Session 2: Policy developments
- What barriers are BEVs facing in the used car market? – Lauren Pamma (Green Finance Institute)
- What policy solutions are available? – Sandra Wappelhorst (International Council on Clean Transportation). Presentation.
Session 3: Stakeholder exchange
- What is the perspective of used car buyers, used car sellers, civil society, and governments? – with Owain Griffiths (Volvo Cars), Robin Loos (The European Consumer Organisation), Suzan Reitsma (Netherlands Enterprise Agency) and Julia Poliscanova (Transport & Environment)
Watch the recording: