Articles – Transport & Environment Campaigning for cleaner transport in Europe Tue, 30 Jan 2024 17:56:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Economist is wrong to claim car-addicted US cities are more accessible than Europe’s, here’s why Tue, 30 Jan 2024 17:56:17 +0000 “In praise of America’s car addiction – How vehicle-dependence makes the country fairer and more efficient” was a headline in The Economist last November. The opposite is true. Findings, cited by the Economist, as well as from other studies, show the contrary. The Economist concluded that American cities-centres are more accessible than Europe’s. However, it based its conclusion on an outdated...


Enquête : Le géant pétrolier ENI continue d’utiliser des produits à base d’huile de palme, contrairement à son engagement Tue, 30 Jan 2024 08:05:33 +0000 Le géant pétrolier italien ENI continue d’importer des produits à base d’huile de palme malgré son engagement à être « sans huile de palme » [1] formulé fin 2022. Selon une nouvelle enquête de Transport & Environment (T&E), au moins huit bateaux ont transporté des PFAD – des co-produits de la production d’huile de palme – depuis l’Indonésie vers l’Italie en 2023. Ces produits ont été utilisés pour...


Fossil fuel phase out date needed in Europe in 2040 target, NGOs ask Mon, 29 Jan 2024 23:01:51 +0000 Last December, COP28 addressed fossil fuels for the first time in the history of these Conferences of the Parties (COPs) as the cause of our global climate change problem. It sets the expectation that countries demonstrate their transition away from fossil fuels via their climate plans. That’s why a coalition of seven NGOs – WWF, Greenpeace, Transport & Environment, CAN Europe, EEB, E3G...


Broken promise: How Eni’s refineries are still relying on palm oil-based products Mon, 29 Jan 2024 04:30:52 +0000 On October 25th 2022, the Italian oil major Eni announced with great fanfare that it had delivered on an official promise made to its shareholders in 2020, to eliminate the use of palm oil in its refineries. A press release from that day states that “Eni has definitively ended the procurement of palm oil for use at the Venice and Gela biorefineries” and that “the last shipments arrived in the last...


Uncovered: Oil giant ENI still using palm products despite pledge to quit Mon, 29 Jan 2024 04:30:45 +0000 The Italian oil giant ENI is still importing palm oil products despite its pledge to become “palm oil free”, a new Transport & Environment (T&E) investigation shows. T&E found that at least eight vessels were carrying PFAD – a byproduct of palm oil production – from Indonesia to Italy to be turned into biodiesel[1]. T&E calls on ENI to end use of all deforestation-driving palm products to avoid...


Carburants de synthèse pour les avions : avec 45 projets, l’UE est-elle en voie de respecter ses objectifs ? Tue, 23 Jan 2024 23:02:28 +0000 Selon une nouvelle étude de Transport & Environment (T&E), 45 projets de production d’e-kérosène ont été recensés dans l’Espace économique européen (EEE). S’ils étaient confirmés, ils permettraient au secteur aérien d’avoir suffisamment de carburant de synthèse pour répondre au premier mandat fixé par l’UE pour ce type de carburant d’aviation durable (SAF, selon l’acronyme anglais) en 2030...


E-fuels for planes: with 45 projects, is the EU on track to meet its targets? Tue, 23 Jan 2024 23:01:14 +0000 A total of 45 e-kerosene projects could see the light in the EEA, enabling sufficient supply of green fuels to meet the EU’s law on sustainable aviation fuels (SAFs). But without final investment decisions, these projects are at risk as well as the targets stipulated by the law. A new study by NGO Transport & Environment counts 25 industrial projects and 20 smaller pilot projects that pledge to...


Cars are getting too big for British roads, new research shows Tue, 23 Jan 2024 14:44:16 +0000 New research from Transport & Environment (T&E) has found that cars in the UK are getting too big for British roads, exceeding the 180cm minimum for on-street parking. On average cars were found to be getting 1cm wider every two years. The average width of new cars expanded to 180.3 cm in the first half of 2023, up from 177.8 cm in 2018, the T&E research finds.[1] Data compiled by the ICCT...


Cars are getting 1 cm wider every two years – research Mon, 22 Jan 2024 06:00:53 +0000 New cars in Europe are getting 1 cm wider every two years, on average. That’s according to research by Transport & Environment (T&E) which says the trend will continue due to the rising sales of SUVs – unless lawmakers take action. Around half of new cars sold are already too wide for the minimum on-street parking space in many countries. Paris could be the first major European capital to tackle...


Les voitures grossissent de 1 cm tous les deux ans, selon une nouvelle étude Sun, 21 Jan 2024 23:02:10 +0000 En Europe, les voitures neuves s’élargissent en moyenne de 1 cm tous les deux ans. C’est ce qui ressort d’une étude menée par Transport & Environment (T&E). Elle montre que cette tendance va se poursuivre en raison de l’augmentation des ventes de SUV, à moins que les législateurs n’agissent rapidement. Environ la moitié des nouvelles voitures vendues sont déjà trop larges pour l’espace minimum de...

